Christmas concert | Echo de la Montagne


The musicians of the Écho de la Montagne brass band from Champéry, under the baton of their director Victor Mariétan, will be bringing you the magic of Christmas through traditional pieces.

In addition to the sheer joy of getting together with family and friends, there’s the added pleasure of sharing these moments in music. On the programme for this concert, l’Écho de la Montagne will present pieces that will transport listeners to the edge of time, in the spirit of the festive season. An invitation to speak with one voice, in gentleness, conciliation and wonder.

This concert will be characterised by changes of atmosphere and rhythm. A movement that distils a connivance between all the parties involved in an intense and hushed flow, all poetry.

The aim is also to share a moment of fraternity in the joy of Christmas, with mulled wine offered at the end of the concert and a cake sale organised by the society in aid of its music school.

Opening hours

Sunday 22 December 2024
on Sunday between 6 pm and 7.30 pm.


  • Mental disability
  • Visual disability
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
  • Site, building totally accessible
  • Possibility of drop-off in front of the site



Free entry.


Eglise CatholiqueRue du Village 51CH - 1874Champéry
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