Country entertainment to celebrate the desalpe


Saturday 28 September
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  • French

Aperitif and polenta in the beautiful Vallon de They !

It’s time for the cows to be turned out, and the Vieux They Agritourism restaurant is organising a country feast to mark the occasion.

Practical details:
– 11.00am: the owners invite you for macaroni from the chalet
– Drinks and raclette
– Swiss orchestra with Frédéric Barman and his 3 musicians
– The whole party takes place on site (decorated cows, but no procession). No reservations possible

Opening hours

Saturday 28 September 2024 at 11 am.


  • Mental disability
  • Visual disability
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
  • Prestation accessible avec aide pour une personne non-voyante


  • Pets welcome


Free entry. Free access. Charges apply for drinks and raclette (except for the macaroni offered by the chalet owners).


Restaurant - agritourisme du Vieux TheyRoute de Chésery 33CH - 1875MorginsSuisse