Ever heard the expression «the journey is more important than the destination»? It’s a good motto to live by, and the perfect description of snowshoeing. Whether you’re feeling contemplative or sporty, a snowshoe hike is the best way to experience the breathtaking beauty of nature, just off the beaten path.

Away from the crowds, yet never alone, as evidenced by delicate tracks crisscrossing the snowy trail, nibbled pinecones here and there and the warm lights of a mountain hut beckoning temptingly in the distance. If you’re quiet and patient, you might be lucky enough to spy a few timid creatures in their winter habitat. You will, however, always find a warm refuge from your winter wanderings, offering tasty regional specialties or a steaming mug of something smelling delectably of cinnamon and spice, perhaps even a crackling fire to warm your toes.

Gook to know

Hiking trail maps are available at the tourist offices or downloaded here.